Rainy Day thoughts...

It's hump-day-rainy-day-Wednesday over here. :-) I love rainy days. There is something wonderful about driving through the neighborhood and pulling into your own driveway, seeing the welcoming lights in the windows, stepping into the warmth of a cozy house, lighting a candle, baking cinnamon banana bread, and snuggling with blankets and a cup of hot tea. There is such a "home-ness" and feeling of belonging about it all that satisfies the soul of this introvert.

We grocery-shopped this morning before the rain began in full force. Then enjoyed some time outside before lunch and naps for the little ones. The four oldest worked diligently on schoolwork for several house while the littlest girls napped. I baked banana bread and made a huge batch of homemade yogurt and set it in the cooler to incubate overnight. It's funny to think back a decade ago to when I really disliked cooking and baking; despite my mother's careful instruction, I was terrible at it and had little interest. I could burn water! A lot has changed since then, and now I find myself doing crazy "crunchy" things like making my own yogurt and canning my own salsa! One of these years, I may start a garden and buy chickens, and then you'll know I've really gone off the deep end!

We enjoyed a popsicle party with our MOPS group yesterday, and it was so nice to get to meet all the mamas that will be at my table this year. My sweet sister-in-law is joining our group this year, and she said to me on the way home, "all the moms are so HAPPY to be mothers!" I feel like that is really high praise, especially since the Bible speaks over and over again about how children are a GIFT to be enjoyed and carefully trained. I am praying that the Lord will help me this year as I lead my MOPS table, to be a testimony to how the joy of the Lord is our strength even when we are in the trenches of motherhood and all the demands it makes on our bodies, minds, and hearts. Motherhood is a gift and a joy and an offering to our King! :-)

A few random questions for anyone reading:

(1) Anyone have recommendations on the best way to make multiplication tables "stick" for their kiddos? I feel like we have tried everything, and still haven't gotten to where they've clicked yet.

(2) Is there a free app for blogger that makes it easier to upload photos? Because let's be honest, who has time to transfer photos from their phone to their computer to their blog anyway...


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