So, yesterday I did a bunch of crafts that I've been meaning to do for a long time and just haven't had the time to sit down and get done. :-) It felt so good to be creative again!
First, I whipped up two cute nursing covers--one for a baby shower gift, and one for me. There are a lot of tutorials online for these, but I finally found one that I LOVE and that doesn't involve buying boning or D-rings (which never work for me anyway when I'm trying to adjust them).
Then, the kids and I went over to our neighbor's house and while they all played together, my neighbor and I made a bunch of cute little girl's hairbows (our daughters were in need of some new cute bows for fall/winter).
Today, I had grand plans to start on making some of the dollhouse furniture to go with the IKEA-inspired fabric portable dollhouse I made for Rachel Anne for Christmas...but, time got away from me, and I ended up going to Salvation Army instead and picking up lots of cute baby and boy clothes for Caleb James and Baby 3. Fifty cents for a Carter's sleeper in excellent condition? You betcha! And the Old Navy outfit that was maybe worn once? Sure, I'll take that for a dollar. *happy sigh* I could go broke saving money at thrift stores...
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