This is our road

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not take them both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;// Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,// And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.// I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, And that has made the difference. Robert Frost.
In just 17 days, we are moving away to a slightly larger castle in the faraway land of Virginia Beach. The little princess will have her own bedroom (which she will also share with any other small royal children the High King may send along while we are there), the King will attend to the business of law, and the Queen will busy herself caring for her family and making everything seem like home.
Home. It will be sad to leave our slightly smaller castle, which has been our home ever since the Once Upon a Time Beginning of Us. It is where the King and Queen began their honeymoon after their royal wedding. It is where they carried their first little princess home and laid her in her canopy cradle. Its halls have been filled with laughter; its little rooms have been filled with sunshine by day and glowed with candlelight by night. It has been the stopping-place of many a traveler passing through needing hospitality. It has been privy to the deepest of joys and the darkest of trials and tears. It has been a good place--filled to the brim with memories and dreams. I hope the next royal family enjoys it as much as we have.

And now, its chambers are filled with trunks ready to be carried away to the new castle, where the next chapter of our fairy tale will begin. It isn't easy choosing one's own adventure; the royal family sought the advice of many counselors and wise men, and finally received their invitation and confirmation from the High King to come to the province of Regent in the land of Virginia Beach. There are many other roads that beckoned; but, this is the chosen road. And it will make all the difference, somehow. The High King has promised that it will be good.
So, farewell, our dear castle. On toward our new home.
In just 17 days, we are moving away to a slightly larger castle in the faraway land of Virginia Beach. The little princess will have her own bedroom (which she will also share with any other small royal children the High King may send along while we are there), the King will attend to the business of law, and the Queen will busy herself caring for her family and making everything seem like home.
Home. It will be sad to leave our slightly smaller castle, which has been our home ever since the Once Upon a Time Beginning of Us. It is where the King and Queen began their honeymoon after their royal wedding. It is where they carried their first little princess home and laid her in her canopy cradle. Its halls have been filled with laughter; its little rooms have been filled with sunshine by day and glowed with candlelight by night. It has been the stopping-place of many a traveler passing through needing hospitality. It has been privy to the deepest of joys and the darkest of trials and tears. It has been a good place--filled to the brim with memories and dreams. I hope the next royal family enjoys it as much as we have.

And now, its chambers are filled with trunks ready to be carried away to the new castle, where the next chapter of our fairy tale will begin. It isn't easy choosing one's own adventure; the royal family sought the advice of many counselors and wise men, and finally received their invitation and confirmation from the High King to come to the province of Regent in the land of Virginia Beach. There are many other roads that beckoned; but, this is the chosen road. And it will make all the difference, somehow. The High King has promised that it will be good.
So, farewell, our dear castle. On toward our new home.
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