My middle name (well, one of them!) is Grace.
It's almost ironic--grace is an attribute of God that I am constantly trying to grasp. It's hard for me to live each day with the understanding that it is by God's grace, rather than by my own hard work or effort. It's hard for me not to try to prove to God that He made a good investment when He chose me for salvation, because I'm doing all I can to please Him--instead of being humbled and falling to my knees in praise because of His grace. It's hard for me to give others grace sometimes, when I feel like they wouldn't be in the mess they've made if they had followed the list of principles I gave them in the first place. And it's hardest for me to recognize God's grace for my own failures, and not land in a rut of self-condemnation--taking myself to task over a foolish action or word and brooding over my sin until it feels like I've done my penance, instead of simply asking God for forgiveness, repenting of my sin, and then taking the joy of the Lord as my strength to get back up again.
Grace. Undeserved favor. Completely apart from any personal merit.
One of the things I really want to focus on studying this year is grace. What is God's grace? How does it apply to me? What does it look like? How can I give it to others? How would a proper recognition of God's grace change my life--today?
I came across a quote about grace this afternoon that made me stop and think.
It's almost ironic--grace is an attribute of God that I am constantly trying to grasp. It's hard for me to live each day with the understanding that it is by God's grace, rather than by my own hard work or effort. It's hard for me not to try to prove to God that He made a good investment when He chose me for salvation, because I'm doing all I can to please Him--instead of being humbled and falling to my knees in praise because of His grace. It's hard for me to give others grace sometimes, when I feel like they wouldn't be in the mess they've made if they had followed the list of principles I gave them in the first place. And it's hardest for me to recognize God's grace for my own failures, and not land in a rut of self-condemnation--taking myself to task over a foolish action or word and brooding over my sin until it feels like I've done my penance, instead of simply asking God for forgiveness, repenting of my sin, and then taking the joy of the Lord as my strength to get back up again.
Grace. Undeserved favor. Completely apart from any personal merit.
One of the things I really want to focus on studying this year is grace. What is God's grace? How does it apply to me? What does it look like? How can I give it to others? How would a proper recognition of God's grace change my life--today?
I came across a quote about grace this afternoon that made me stop and think.
“God has not promised to give us the grace to face all of the desperate situations that we might imagine finding ourselves in. He has promised to sustain us only in the ones that he actually brings us into. He therefore doesn’t promise that we will be able to imagine how we could go through the fire for his sake, but he does promise that if he leads us through the fire, he will give us sufficient grace at that time. Like manna, grace is not something that can be stored up for later use: each day receives its own supply” (Iain Duguid, Daniel, p. 53).
Since I often think in images and metaphors, the picture of grace as manna was powerful. Manna was something that God provided for the Israelites after they had been complaining and discontent. This manna was (1) sustaining--they depended on it for their life and energy to accomplish anything, (2) delicious--it was a first-class meal that tasted like wafers and honey, (3) free--they didn't have to plant it or buy it, but just had to get out there and pick it up, (4) exactly what they needed for that day--it would not last overnight, but was always given fresh every morning.
That's what God's grace is like. It is His favor toward me. This favor is my sustenance and salvation--without it, I would be spiritually dead, as well as probably physically in trouble, too! His favor is sweet and wonderful--it's not something dry or tasteless or boring. His favor is completely free--there is nothing I have to do to earn it, nothing I could ever do to gain it; it's just given to me, because He loves me. His favor is exactly what I need for the day; He gives me just enough strength, just enough everything for what He has called me to do today. And all the rest of the burdens and worries of tomorrow, He is carrying.
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
That's what God's grace is like. It is His favor toward me. This favor is my sustenance and salvation--without it, I would be spiritually dead, as well as probably physically in trouble, too! His favor is sweet and wonderful--it's not something dry or tasteless or boring. His favor is completely free--there is nothing I have to do to earn it, nothing I could ever do to gain it; it's just given to me, because He loves me. His favor is exactly what I need for the day; He gives me just enough strength, just enough everything for what He has called me to do today. And all the rest of the burdens and worries of tomorrow, He is carrying.
Hallelujah, what a Savior!
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