Putting it Together...

...I'm sitting here on the couch next to my hubby, who is carefully taking apart an old computer. Its insides are now scattered about on the coffee table--tiny screws, small metal pieces, elements that probably have fancy names that only tech-savvy computer geeks know. I love watching him work as he carefully lifts each piece out. The insides look so intricate to me; I could never figure something like this out!

Caleb is so gifted at stuff like this--and I don't mean just computers. He has the ability to be able to look at an argument, take it apart carefully, find the problem, and fix it--and then put the whole thing back together so it works. And he's that way with people, too. Sometimes when I'm down or upset about something and try to hide it, he can always sense it and will gently probe until he gets to the bottom of it, no matter how intricate or convoluted or confusing it might be. I'm so glad I'm married to him! :-)

Posted by Kirsten


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